



深圳市捷尔信电子有限公司,是一家专业从事触摸屏光学材料, 屏幕个性化保护产品设计、生产的厂商。公司分两大事业部,光学材料事业部主要为触摸屏厂商提供功能性的OCA光学胶、ITO导电膜、泡棉防尘框以及其他手机、平板电脑触摸屏中的膜切产品;屏幕保护材料事业部主要为客户设计、生产各种具护眼、护屏的个性化屏幕贴膜、边框、背贴等产品。

我们是行业内全工序在纯1000级无尘车间中生产的公司,也是同时通过ISO9001、ISO14001认证的厂商。公司实行日系管理模式,并与领衔全球的美国、日本、韩国光学材料厂商合作, 使我们能够及时了解触摸屏及其光学材料技术的发展趋势,让我们的OCA光学胶、ITO导电膜及屏幕保护膜产品的性能、稳定性始终于业内。

我们屏幕保护材料事业部精心培育、打造的PK8保护膜品牌,针对全球各大品牌手机、平板电脑进行的创作、设计, 开发出PK8苹果之叶、PK8三星之星、PK8联想延伸、PK8摩托罗拉盔甲、PK8诺基亚浪花、PK8华为靓妆、PK8黑莓面具、PK8野火星光、PK8明酷杰伦等子品牌。品牌旗下的防刮高透膜、防刮钻石膜、防电磁辐射膜、镜子膜、防偷窥膜等系列产品,不仅能保护您的屏幕,保护您眼睛,更是贴合在您手机,平板电脑上的艺术品, 成为您表达思想,展现个性的代言人,使您在个性年代成为焦点。

Shenzhen Jie Erxin Optical Materials Co., Ltd is a professional engaged in optical materials in touch screen and optical devices industry, meanwhile designs and manufactures individualization protector for screen and pocket devices, such as mobile phone, pocket PC, pocket entertainment devices. One main of our divisions manufactures OCA (Optical Clear Adhesive ), ITO film, and other auxiliary materials for the screens of mobile phone, Pocket PC etc while the other division mainly designs and produces various fancy screen protector and device protectors.

Jie Erxin is the only manufacturer who puts its all the process in 1000 dust-free workshop and the only one passes ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications in mainland of China. Our company focuses on development of product and technique. We lead Japanese companys management model and cooperate with the advanced transnational corporation of America, Japan, and South Korea professional in Optical materials for screen and optical devices. All of these ensure us understand the touch screen and optical materials technology development trend and ensure us can provide high quality OCA, ITO film and screen protectors.

PK8 is our brand, famous brand in China posses many subordinate brands, like "PK8 Apple Leaf", " PK8 Samsung Star", " PK8 Lenovo Spread", PK8 Motorola Armor, PK8 Nokia Waves" PK8 Huawei Cosmetics", "PK8 BlackBerry Mask", " PK8 Wildfire Starlight", " PK8 Cool Excellence " and so on. These brands focus on design individual protector for word famous mobile and pocket PC manufacturers. Our privacy protection film, diamond film, screen mirror film, fashion skin and smart suit case can protect your mobile phone and pocket PC, moreover, these arts in the face of your device make you becoming the focus.



  • 主营: 深圳手机保护膜,平板电脑保护膜,模切产品代加工
  • 地址: 深圳市观澜黎光新工业区19号
  • 联系: 肖秋生
  • 手机: 13603060256
  • 电话: 0755-28166880
  • 传真: 0755-28163680
  • 邮箱: qiuge@yahoo.cn
  • 本站共被浏览过 14564 次

